Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Behavior change

I haven't been writing much lately -- mostly because we've been in the longest period of stasis I can remember since this whole deal started about six years ago. That still seemed to be the case when I visited her this afternoon. She smiled and laughed. But I was summoned to the nurse's office and asked to okay a new medication. The nurses looked worried. They said May has been attacking the staff. When I asked what that meant, one of them said, "Like she turns into Mike Tyson." I asked how she was at night and they looked at the night nurse -- she said it happened at night too. It's a form of anxiety, they said, like she wants to get out of her skin. They're going to try an anti-anxiety drug. Several of the residents are on this same med, they said, but the look on their faces was not reassuring.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like they're on the right track by understanding that the combative behavior is caused by anxiety and treating the anxiety rather than trying an antipsychotic or a sedative. They'll start with a low dose and build up if necessary, I'm sure. I've always wondered what people's families think when they hear that staff is being attacked by their loved ones. I have a few 'zones' on my body (neck/chest, forearms) that usually have scratches and bruises from the same 3 ladies I work with, and each of their families handles the issue differently.

    Good luck and I hope to hear good news for May about the efficacy of the new meds!
