Sunday, February 8, 2009

Refreshment adventures

At Borders today, May said she was thirsty and didn't have any money. I gave her a $10 bill and went on browsing. When she didn't come back after about five minutes I walked over to the coffee bar--just in time to see her ordering a drink and paying with a credit card. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "I was thirsty and didn't have any money." I said, "That's a pretty nice scam you have, asking me for cash and then paying with the credit card." She didn't remember the $10 and couldn't produce it either. 

After that, we went to a movie and she bought hot tea at the concession stand. We went in and took a seat and then she said she was going to visit the restroom before the movie started. When she came back, she was carrying an iced drink. "I stopped for a drink," she said. I pointed to the hot tea in the cup holder and she didn't know what it was. I asked her what was in the new cup and she didn't know. I was drinking Coke from a branded cardboard cup that was the smallest size they had at the concession stand. Her cup was much smaller and made of clear plastic, like something someone would bring into the theater from the restaurant next door. I asked her if she paid for it and she couldn't remember.   

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